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(Vibrant) Living By the Light of the Moon

The Moon Book At first, I went along with a couple of friends to this "Moon Class" mentored by renown shaman and divination expert, Beatrex Quntanna, just because I was new in town, and thought it'd be a good idea to meet some people in a group setting. After the first class, however, it was clear there was really something deep and meaningful going on here.

Beatrex is the wonderfully casual and self-effacing creator of these classes, and meeting her was like meeting a familiar old soul. Her humor and her sharp intellect drew me right in, along with the other dozen or so in the group.

Beatrex's modality is to follow the phases of the moon day-by-day in your life, and by being aware of the various energies of the moon phases, much energy and power begins showing up to move you inexorably along your path--whether it be material accomplishments, or, like mine, spiritual revelations.

There is a very detailed and useful manual that goes with the classes, and classes meet every two weeks to follow and meditate on the phases of the moon. Beatrex is an expert astrologer and Tarot card reader, and does readings for everyone at the class based on the archetypal meanings within the moon's position in the zodiac and it's phase.

Every class has added a profound dimension to my life, allowing me to feel much more connected to Nature, our Mother Earth, and the cosmos both universal and within.

Vibrant Living Tip: Visit Beatrex's website, get the workbook, and follow along with the class online via the posted audio files of Beatrex's readings and channelings.

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